Modern Slavery Statement
For the Financial Year Ending 31 December 2024
We are committed to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking in its operations and supply chains. We recognise our responsibility to take a robust approach in tackling modern slavery and are dedicated to ensuring that human rights are respected across our business.
Our Structure and Supply Chains
Project Ophelia Bidco Limited is the Parent company of a number of Group companies and subsidiaries, including O’Neil Patient Solicitors LLP and Conveyancing Alliance Limited.
We provide a range of services related to conveyancing and other legal services and have operations in England and Wales. Our supply chains include suppliers of services across limited additional jurisdictions. We engage with a diverse range of suppliers and are committed to ethical sourcing.
Policies on Modern Slavery
We have implemented the following policies to mitigate the risk of modern slavery:
- Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy – Outlining our zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery.
- Whistleblowing Policy – Encouraging employees and stakeholders to report concerns confidentially.
- Recruitment Policy – Ensuring fair and ethical hiring practices.
Risk Assessment and Due Diligence
We assess the risk of modern slavery within our business and supply chains by:
- Conducting risk assessments of key suppliers.
- Auditing high-risk suppliers and requiring compliance declarations.
- Reviewing contractual terms to include anti-slavery obligations.
- Engaging with our stakeholders to identify and address risks.
Training and Awareness
To ensure awareness and compliance, we provide training to colleagues on modern slavery risks. This includes:
- Training sessions for staff involved in procurement and supply chain management.
- Awareness campaigns to reinforce our commitment to tackling modern slavery.
Measuring Effectiveness
We measure the effectiveness of our anti-slavery efforts by:
- Monitoring and reviewing reports of potential modern slavery incidents.
- Conducting supplier audits and compliance checks.
- Tracking training completion rates against colleagues.
Approval and Publication
This statement has been approved by the Board of Directors and will be reviewed annually. It is published in accordance with Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
Nick Hale
31st January 2024
For any questions regarding this statement, please contact our Professional Standards Team –